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Bonfilius 4/25-4/26

This week the Bonfilius priory talked about the Faley Games. The seniors shared their experiences with the underclassmen and the students were told what to expect.
On Friday we studied Grade Level Knowledge

Bonfilius Priory Periods 4/18-4/19

This week, we had a speaker. On Friday, to put the speaker into context, we had a homeroom discussion.

Bonfilius Priory Periods 4/11-4/12

This week we had a priory prayer service and had a social media presentation.

Bonfilius Priory Periods 3/22-3/23

There were no priory periods this week.

Bonfilius Priory Periods 3/15-3/16

This week we worked on planning the fourth quarter and brushing up the social media presentation.

Bonfilius Priory Periods 3/7-3/8

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Bonfilius Priory Periods 2/28-3/1

This week, we had a GLK-Related potluck and worked on teamwork through Indian wresting.

Bonfilius Priory Periods 2/21-2/22

This week, Bonfilius worked on Grade Level Knowledge powerpoints on our countries and presented them in the homerooms.

Bonfilius Priory Periods 2/7-2/8

This week, we did fear balloons, which are balloons into which the participant places a small slip of paper with one of their fear. The balloons are scrambled, and one-by-one, the balloons are popped. The person who popped the balloon guesses whose fear is inside, and the results are shared with the homeroom. The purpose of this activity was to emphasize necessity of the other and mastery of self in the homeroom.

Bonfilius Priory Periods 1/31-2/1

This week, we went over the elements of deliberate practice and showed a TED talk on innovation. Our main goal for this semester is not only to practice the leadership principles that we learn, but also to to impart them to the men in our homerooms. Students took well to the presentation and were able to answer (and ask) in-depth questions with examples and a clear understanding of the concept of deliberate practice.