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This weok in the Philip priory we we watched a TV show on Netflix, and then discussed what we learned.

Philip Priory Period Updates

This week, Philip priory focused on the name game and we also dedicated a day to sharing our thoughts on the 9/11 attacks.

Grade Level Knowledge for 9/17/2012

Juniors - How do you get to your country from here?

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Today, we had a very competitive quiz bowl on the powerpoints that we made last week. We went up to the front of the board to answer questions, and learned a lot through our competition.

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Today we reviewed the powerpoints that we made yesterday and learned a lot about the Servite Order and Servite High School.

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Today, we discussed our scripture and then worked on grade level knowledge.

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Today we took a second quarter quiz on grade-level knowledge, including the names of our classmates, and the respective class's knowledge requirements.

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On these days, we watched the Human Experience after a short prayer and scripture discussion. We also discussed what we saw in the movie afterwards.

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Today we went outside and played on soccer. We divided into three fields and had a good time, using jackets as goal markers.

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Today in class, we discussed our mass seating assignments. We also discussed scripture and had shared homeroom discussions.