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WINTER FORMAL! (2/8/2013)

This is a big dance for everyone! Make sure to buy your tickets as soon as they are available! This is the first year that we will raise ticket prices if you buy them after the timeline that you are provided with. There will be plenty of notice and announcements. There is no reason why anyone should be charged the late fee. The dance is $55 per person.

News from the January Dance

The dance went well, we had a decent turnout despite having finals coming up. The DJ was wonderful, the mints went over well. Our only issue was that there were mints all over the floor that had to be scrubbed off. It was hard work, but worth the success of another dance. Thank you to those of you who showed up!


Updates from last week

There are no new updates. Dance January 12th :)


Dance Updates

After many requests, we have finally done it. Winter Formal at Knott's will have a new ride.... SILVER BULLET! The cost will go up $5 per person because of the new ride. But it'll be worth every penny :) Also the January Dance will be a sock hop in the gym on the 12th.


Updates 11/13/12

We worked on planning for the January Dance on the 12th. We also discussed Winter Formal at Knott's.


Update from 11/6/12

Dance January 12th. That is all.
